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The map says it's a sealed, secondary road. Some kilometres later we are happy to drive a real Off-Roader. Many rainy seasons did not only wash away the tar, but also some of the layers below that!

1,080 metres above sea-level lies the plateau of Bokor. The French built a weather-station up here in 1922 - a church, a casino, a hotel and finally a whole village followed.
In various wars the strategic position of this place (may kilometres of the Cambodia coast are visible from here) was recognised and many fightings took place up here, leaving behind only a small ghost town.

Sihanoukville in the South of Cambodia is not only home to the only port of the country, but also hosts a big fishing harbour that lives night and day.
The King - after whom the town is named - has his holiday villa here. For travellers, the place is known because of its pleasant sandy beaches.

One of the many proofs of the cruel regime of the Khmer Rouge: from 1975 to 1978 the former High School of Tuol Sleng was used as a prison where whole families were imprisoned, tortured and executed. Only a hand full of people out of the more than 10,000 who were imprisoned and accused of being "enemies of Pol Pot" survived - as well as an estimated number of 2,000 children, who never returned from this prison of cruelties.

We switch to one of the most used means of transportation: in a Trishaw it's more relaxing to join the chaotic traffic in the Capital Phnom Penh.

Along the wall which surrounds the Silver Pagoda are examples of the excellent Khmer Art: the history of the people is depicted here in colourful wall-paintings.

The Silver Pagoda within the grounds of the Royal Palace contains many treasures of the King - a collection of countless Buddhas made of gold and gems. The picturesque building gets its name from the floor that is made of more than 5,000 tiles of pure silver.

The Independence Monument - built in 1958 to honour the independence of Cambodia. On November the 9th, 1953 King Sihanouk declared then sovereignty of his country which was recognised on the Geneva Conference in May, 1954.

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