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Because we have been so long in civilisation (that means between the people), wilderness calls again. In the North of the Kafue National Park we are back on the animals tracks. With its 22 400 km² this park is the biggest of Zambia and at the same time the oldest (founded in 1950).
We are very lucky and can see - amongst a lot of other game - a lion hunting a warthog and two cheetahs - three wild cats very close!

On the occasion of an demonstration we got aware once again of one of the dark chapters of Africa: In Southern Africa AIDS is spread frightening wide. In some areas of Zambia and Zimbabwe it is guessed that more than 80% of the people are HIV-infected - a number that's guessed very roughly, because an exact estimation is hardly possible and not wished by everybody.
In Zambia the life-expectancy sunk to 37 years for men and 40 years for women. Ten years ago it was significant higher, even with worse medical help. The numerous programmes against AIDS seem to have no success (maybe because they are too contrary to the way of life), therapies to treat the disease are nearly never done because of the financial situation of the infected.

In Limulunga we visit he museum of the Lozi, a people living mainly here in the West of Zambia. Already the former kingdom of this people gathered a lot of different people. Its king - the Litunga - has two palaces: one here in Limulunga and another in Lealui, a village more to the west which is flooded two month in the year when the Zambezi has high water. The big move form the lower to the highland-palace is a big party - the Ku'Omboka - every year for the whole area.
The Lozi came about 1700 from the Kongo and suppressed here quite some people. From 1835 on they were fought by the Kololo coming from South Africa and had to be subject to them for 25 years. The Kololo married many daughters to the Lozi, what's the reason that there is a lot of the Kololo language and culture to find in the Lozi nowadays. 1860 the Lozi managed to fight the Kololo again and since then, the Litunga has the power over the region.

We relax for three days here at the river Zambezi. The varied banks of the river in the flood-area (the Zambezi brings three time more water in the rainy season) and the lovely people here makes it difficult for us to say good-bye.
But also here we find a shady side: in Nangwechi, the village where we stay, is one of some refugee-camps of the UN. In the region there are estimated to live about 280.000 refugees from Angola and every day new ones arrive.

We leave Botswana: In a small, overloaded ferry we set over the Chobe and drive into Zambia, the third country on our trip!

Once again we enjoy the rich wildlife in Botswana: In the northern part of the Chobe National Park - on the banks of the river Chobe - we spot a lot of game including a lot of kudu, sable and elephants.
The park measures 11.700 km², most of it lying in the sandy region of the Kalahari. There also live a lot of animals, but in the dense Mopane-forests they are hard to find - contrary to the 80 km long open banks of the river, forming the northern boundary of the park.

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