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index by countries

Seeking political refuge in Thailand, these "Long-Neck-Women" are forced to live outside their country Myanmar. For political reasons they try to flee the discrimination just a few kilometres to the west ...

A girl of the tribe "Big-Ear-Karen" playing a game ...

The chilli dries in the Thai sun - before bringing the fire into the Thai food ...

It's harvesting-time in Thailand. Even the buffaloes have to help in the rice-fields!

We explore the caves at Tham Lod, a world of stalactites and stalagmites, dark and moist ...

Under the hot Thai sun these Lisu women work in their traditional colourful clothes ...

Chiang Mai is the town of the temples for us. At every corner we discover new Buddhist temples. The Wat Prasingh is a fine example of the north-thai style.

The golden Buddha in Wat Chiangmun, the oldest temple of Chiang Mai.

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